Eastleigh Central By-Election Candidate Speed-Hustings!

Dont give 1 candidate 5 minutes and another one 3 :stuck_out_tongue:

The hype is real. Gotta do this in person sometime


Actually, while an in-person hustings is great, after doing this and watching it - there is something in this format which I think could be more digestible to some than an in-person lengthy debate.

I guess we’ll see when you all see it. :slight_smile:

Video comes out at around 30 minutes, which is round about what I hoped.

It’s sized at “one episode”, which could help shape your next 4 years in Eastleigh, so hopefully worth a watch.

Plan now:

  • final finishing touches.
  • ask some other kind people to check my work for silly errors.
  • release - which I’ll do on youtube and post the link here.

No eta yet, either tonight if lucky, or tomorrow.

Thanks (in order of video submissions :wink: ) to @Josh_Constable, @SimonPayne , @Clare_Fawcett. I really enjoyed watching your videos and I’m about to test it on my wife… she hates politics so this should be interesting! :joy:


Pleasure Adam, thanks so much for stepping up to organise this!


Wish it was 4 years. The term of office on this one i believe is until May 2023, so whoever gets elected will be doing this again in just over a years time.


Yes thanks goes to Adam for organising this and the time taken compiling the final video.

I also would like to give thanks to the other candidates who have agreed and taken part at short notice. It wasnt something i was expecting to do this campaign, but it was good to do it.


I feel a bit sorry for your wife, Adam :wink:

Again, thank you so much for pulling out all the stops to make this happen and thanks to the other candidates for taking part at short notice. I look forward to meeting you both on Thursday!

As an aside, I bumped into Bhavin earlier today whilst we were both out leafleting. Nice bloke, I enjoyed our conversation.

love this comment, hilarious :laughing:

Here it is folks! Grab some popcorn, sit back and enjoy the episode! (Runtime is approx 30 minutes).

I hope this is the kind of thing you were expecting! Standard disclaimers apply, I’m not a videographer but tried my best and hope this proves useful! :slight_smile:

Thanks again for taking part! All 3 of you (@Josh_Constable @Clare_Fawcett @SimonPayne) are amazing for putting yourselves out there and trying something new. I really enjoyed listening to you all and putting real people to names on a ballot sheet!

I certainly enjoyed watching it, and wish I had this for all the times I had voted previously!

Notes & lessons learned:

  • Start much earlier! Going from concept to completion in 3 days, 4 days before the election is crazy!
  • Issue guidance to candidates on how to record and trim videos for best effect, in addition to lighting and camera positioning.
  • Candidate reply order was kept consistent in order of video received order to be easier for the viewer to digest.
  • Bhavin and Jack chose not take part so were represented in a fun way to help maintain the flow and clearly highlight there are 5 candidates in this election.

Let me know what you think!


Fantastic! I think you’ve hit on a great concept for local election hustings which is far more accessible than traditional events- hope it’s the first of many! Thanks to the candidates who got involved as well.

Tweeted a link if anyone is over there and wants to spread the word…

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A sterling effort from Adam and Eastleigh Online. I know I pushed hard for this at short notice so huge thanks for all the hard work Adam and the team have put in…I think the end result is fantastic!

I really enjoyed taking part and big thanks too to Simon and Josh for doing the same, its so important we as candidates,get our messages out and have the electorate engage with us so they can see who we are, what we stand for and get a of sense of how we really do understand their issues and concerns about our great town!

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Simon you did make me laugh, knowing it was me who submitted the manifesto question. However did you guess :sweat_smile:

Would have loved the chance to get some cross going, one for the wishlist hey.

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Simon thanking you actually made me laugh aloud while working on it also because I know I definitely didn’t share which question came from who. :slight_smile:

Intriguing on the real-time cross-discussion. People are generally turned off politics really quite quickly - even this video came in at a lenghty-by-todays-standards of just 30 minutes… and getting people to watch will be difficult and could do with some word of mouth love.

I’m curious if a live hustings back and forth would drive more engagement, or only interest people already interested in politics to start with and turn “normal folk” off. This I feel maybe wouldn’t be that useful during an election? The name hustings itself is likely just not understood by most. (I didn’t until fairly recently).

I do like the idea of a real-time hustings, but I think there may be more to be gained by adjusting the formats to make it more interesting than “a boring political debate”… though I do get that you politicians like debates, and debates need to be had. :wink:

Have you guys got any ideas of improving the format, or doing better in future?

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He was right but you aren’t the only manifesto fan here! :grin:


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In case it helps, I’ve linked to the individual questions so people can jump straight to the things that interest them


I wasn’t too thrilled with 2 questions, namely -

  1. Biscuits?
  2. Who wont rock up?

As much as the biscuits one was an icebreaker, the “who wont rock up” one was a bit… awkward… for want of a better phrase.

So, more relevant, local questions… like for Central we couldve asked about the new Hendys, or the increased desire to charge Kipling Road/Brookwood Rd residents for parking on their street… for Central/North we could ask about the lack of public transport options, especially at night, for South the vandalism of Fleming Park etc. Etc. (Side note I’m Deputy Captain Hindsight, always good to have around after the fact)…As much as GBRail HQ may be fantastic for Eastleigh, it almost certainly would not be in Central. There’s just very little space

Also, next time try set a time limit per question… while I enjoyed @Clare_Fawcett 's detailed answers, it did kinda make it a bit haphazard considering @Josh_Constable and @SimonPayne had shorter answers. Setting a limit is 2 fold, people would be urged to speak for the entire limit, or would prioritise what they’d say within that limit

Lastly (and yes, I do mean lastly)… next time we plan this, we must make each section more "easier to get to "… i.e. if I’m short of time and want to know how our Candidates are different from the rank and file at Westminster or Eastleigh Borough Council, and you hit me with biscuits, I’m not going to spend the time going through the whole video

Some YT commenters do this with timestamps in the comments, other uploaders somehow manage to be able to divide the video playback bar into sections (hopefully you’ll know what I mean).

For a rushed effort, this was absolutely brilliant. None of my stuff couldve been achieved with a rushed effort tbh


all good feedback and I agree re biscuits and the “who won’t rock up” question. I never shy away from answering awkward questions but it just felt a bit leading and negative, the kind of question that doesn’t add anything to the debate or give the electorate any input on their issues… that’s just my take.

There was a time-limit set of 60 seconds per answer so I tried to use the time to maximum effect to add detail and cite live issues, like the time the energy centre is open (or not open, more to the point)… if I get a chance to talk, I will lol, always been the same :wink:

Great suggestions re how to do next time… I’ll have a think and get back with anything I feel might be useful.

Really, enjoyed doing it!

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The question index (Inspired by @jtonline), don’t have time to watch the whole 30 minutes? Jump to the question you most want to see the election candidates answering. :slight_smile:

Who are you? https://youtu.be/Bh5fGIdfi6A?t=21

What’s your favourite biscuit? https://youtu.be/Bh5fGIdfi6A?t=132

Why are you standing this election? https://youtu.be/Bh5fGIdfi6A?t=175

Why should I get out and vote, aren’t you all the same anyway? https://youtu.be/Bh5fGIdfi6A?t=319

If you were elected, what would the first 3 things you would address on behalf of Eastleigh Residents? https://youtu.be/Bh5fGIdfi6A?t=462

How would you look to bring people back to the town centre https://youtu.be/Bh5fGIdfi6A?t=586

What community arts projects or events would you look to continue or develop? https://youtu.be/Bh5fGIdfi6A?t=714

Have you ever been a member of a different political party https://youtu.be/Bh5fGIdfi6A?t=854

How long have you lived in Eastleigh? https://youtu.be/Bh5fGIdfi6A?t=986

When did you last attend a meeting of the Eastleigh Local Area Committee and what issues did your raise? https://youtu.be/Bh5fGIdfi6A?t=1061

Who don’t you think will participate in this speed hustings and why https://youtu.be/Bh5fGIdfi6A?t=1202

What would you do to reduce the exponential rise in violent and sexual crime, particularly towards women? https://youtu.be/Bh5fGIdfi6A?t=1346

Have you or your party published a local manifesto with your plan for Eastleigh, and if not, why not? https://youtu.be/Bh5fGIdfi6A?t=1516

One last call, anything you’d like to say? https://youtu.be/Bh5fGIdfi6A?t=1648

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Out of interest, what fruit/veg would you have used for those of us that did attend had we not been able to @afdy ? :thinking:


Sorry to say in keeping with the theme, you would have been a Tomato! :wink:

All I can say is I’m glad Simon and Clare participated otherwise I’d have to have dropped the fruit & veg idea or gone shopping in a more exotic shop!

We did actually have a lemon, but decided it would probably be offensive to refer to anyone as a lemon, so we stuck with Pear on a Chair, and Pepper on a Pew. :slight_smile:


Phew, 2 out of 14 ain’t bad :wink: . I don’t think there are any perfect questions.

Biscuits - I actually liked this. You see people answering more humanly to a simple day to day question, rather than hard core serious questions, and its a bit of “fun” to try to soften a very dry topic to most.

Who won’t rock up - Although it appears a negative question, I think seeing how people respond to negative questions can give you a good indication as to how people would be in the role. I think everyone can learn something from this! I think everyone turned the negative into a positive, which was great. :slight_smile:

“more relevant local questions” - the opportunity was there, no one asked. Someone should definitely ask them next time! :wink:

There was a time limit of 60 seconds, but I think perhaps the limit should be reduced to 30 seconds next time, with an option to “boost” on maybe 3 questions that mean a lot to you to say something on.

Does the work done by @jtonline, and the link below help resolve your issue with quickly finding answers to questions @DazzaRPD ?

The biscuits section was very short. By the time you got to biscuits, the viewer would have already seen their intro’s and I think most people would drop pre-intro (“politics, eugh”), or after biscuits when they had enough “boring questions”… though welcome suggestions how to better onboard at the beginning?

I think the first video landing page as the sharing thumbnail would improve things too.

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