Help write a manifesto!

I think it’s my fear of a gaming thing again. If someone doesn’t like something, it would be easier to find 50 people out-of-area to help me game it than it would find 50 people local.

I did actually have a nosy and a look at this. Love the concept it just needs to be a little more accessible. One day it’ll get there i’m sure. :slight_smile:

Between your manifesto’s and open discussion here, maybe we can start putting Eastleigh politics on the map!

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Hopefully not in the same way as Handforth :slight_smile:

Pahahaha. At least people in handforth will now be getting interested in local politics! :rofl:

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hey how can you get people to sign-up to vote in the post?

this will be big this year and i think it needs to be high up in peoples thinking or we will just get the same people in at local elections.

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Hi @JonDramas, if you mean who gets to vote on manifesto proposals, then that’s whoever has successfully contributed to the manifesto. Anyone can leave a comment though!

If you mean, how do you get people to want to vote, then that’s a trickier question! I think this year will be a big one for local elections as well- at least I hope so! Good ideas and discussions might help get people interested, and spread the word!


Thnks for the info Jtonline.

I’,m going to take a look.maybe i can share an idea first to make sure it all makes sense?. i think it is a good idea for local issues and also in making the council up to a standard that they claim they are.

have to say that the labour are doing more which is good so i will look at them at the elections. Im in hedge end as well.

Sure, no problem sharing here first- that’s how the street light proposal started :slight_smile:

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Jon you can make a submission to Eastleigh Labour’s local manifesto consultation here: Eastleigh Labour’s Local Manifesto We’d love to hear from you!

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Heya James,

If the authors of the policies in your opensource manifesto would like to have their ideas included please encourage them to get in touch! Would love to include their ideas for our discussion but don’t want to run with them without permission!


Hi @Josh_Constable,

Contributors to the open manifesto have to agree to their edits being public domain, so you’re welcome to use any policies which have been included (grand total of one so far!) - which reminds me… @afdy before I add my vote could you read the license and leave a comment on your proposal if you’re happy with it?


Done, I think! Couple of overly complicated hoops to jump through there to get the masses on board! :wink:

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It definitely needs to be simpler, and that one is top of my list of things to try and fix!

If anyone is interested in the gory details… Add CLA accepted flag to database by jt-nti · Pull Request #1013 · openpolitics/groupthink · GitHub

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@Josh_Constable To me it would make sense for labour to get more actively involved in this ‘open local manifesto for Eastleigh’ idea for a few reasons:

  • It gets labours local manifesto ideas publicised more widely, which anyone else (non traditional labour supporters) can get behind.
  • Even if labour doesn’t get in, Labour can contribute to making Eastleigh better as other people can help push for the good ideas that were raised.
  • Labour should consider adopting all manifesto ideas in the open source Eastleigh manifesto - if it does, it would be a great stake in the ground for a future ‘Open Eastleigh’ where we all work together on common ideas in an open debatable way, not just internally within a party but externally with voters too.
  • Its great advertising for Labour also to support more modern approaches to local democracy. :slight_smile:
  • I like it as anyone can get involved, regardless of party affiliation.

It would be fantastic if Labour, and other parties/candidates in Eastleigh, made use of the open Manifesto, but I would be surprised if anyone would want to campaign for all the ideas in it. Picking the ideas that line up best with each party/candidates’ values, would make sense. Perhaps prioritising those with the biggest potential impact, or which are the most deliverable.

Of course everyone is welcome to get involved! (Looks like it’ll have two policies in the next few days! Might submit one of my own eventually!)

thank you. should i be submitting ideas to both?

sorry dont really understand all the political stuff. are you labour?

Yes I’m Labour Jon. I’m taking the lead on our local manifesto this year. Would be great to have your views included!

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@JonDramas it would be great to share your ideas wherever people might see them. A social media post or forum post here is the simplest, on the party neutral Eastleigh Manifesto would be great (I’m obviously biased there!), and I’m sure @Josh_Constable and Labour would be interested as well.

@Sam4eastleigh it was just a suggestion of how parties or candidates might decide which policies to use from the Eastleigh Manifesto. Obviously it would be up to them to decide what they believe is deliverable.

I’m hoping that the Eastleigh Manifesto will be fairly aspirational, and perhaps include bigger ideas that might not immediately look realistic. It’s definitely not intended to be party political though.

If anyone is interested there’s a new (cycling related) proposal open on the Eastleigh Manifesto! Comments always welcome, as well as new proposals!!

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Just spotted this which is an advanced version of @afdy’s sponsor a street light idea!

(Unfortunately the Eastleigh Manifesto will be taking a break soon due to the company that provides the services it runs on ending their free tier.)

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I’ve just taken the Eastleigh Manifesto offline now that the free service it runs on is being discontinued. The manifesto so far is still available and hopefully one day I’ll have time to resurrect and improve it. Thanks to everyone who participated!