
This candidate video was produced following a strict & fair process, details of which can be found at Eastleigh Central Video Hustings.

Eastleigh Central Candidate Video for May 4, 2023

Welcome to the Eastleigh Central candidates video for the Borough Council Elections on May 4, 2023.

This video offers a unique opportunity to learn about the candidates and their perspectives through a fair and unbiased hustings process held on April 16, 2023.

Each candidate addresses critical questions, giving you insights into their plans and visions for our community. Their responses could be pivotal in helping you decide who deserves your vote. We encourage you to watch and consider who aligns best with your interests and the future of Eastleigh Central.

Questions Asked

  • Who are you, and why are you standing in this election?
  • What plans do you have for revitalising the town centre?
  • What level of service can residents expect from you if you are successful in the election?
  • How concerned are you about the repeated fuel leaks into Monks Brook?
  • One last call - anything you'd like to say?

Eastleigh Central Candidates Responses

We extended invitations to all candidates in Eastleigh Central's Borough Council Election, seeking their participation to answer questions that matter to you. Here’s how they responded:

Previous Election Results in Eastleigh Central

A graph showing total votes per party in the last Eastleigh Borough election result for Eastleigh Central from is available so that you can more easily fact check leaflets, graphs and statements from candidates.

Last Ward Result

Closing Statements

No candidates have submitted a closing statement. If they do before election day, it will appear here.

Josh Constable candidate for Eastleigh Central local election May 2023

Eastleigh Central Candidate, Josh Constable writes...

Well, the fact that the Liberal Democrats and Conservatives haven't taken part didn't surprise me. Their similarities doesn't stop there. The Coalition government is responsible for most of the issues we now face as a country : They ended the green energy policies of the last labour government, cut NHS funding to the bone and cut policing numbers. We can never forget how similar these parties fundamentally are.

As I said in the video, I and both the Labour party and Co-operative party are different. We have real plan. One with a record of delivery that we want to impliment. In the short term however, its so important that we get effective opposition onto Eastleigh Borough Council, to hold the administration to account, to point out new and better ways of doing things and most importantly to give residents real representation, not just give the Lib-Dem leadership another vote.

The green candidate is a paper candidate. They aren't running a leaflet campaign, he isn't running a doorstep campaign and he has no record of delivery for our Town. I have been campaigning in Eastleigh for 6 years now. I am on the doorstep throughout the year, but most importantly, I have a record of delivery.

I've shown the kind of councillor I will be on Eastleigh Borough Council, during this past year on Eastleigh Town Council. As a Town Councillor I have:

·         Proposed an alternative budget, that would have saved you approximately 30% on your Town Council tax bill.  (All Liberal Democrats voted against this!)

·         Voted to support community groups through grants.

·         Pushed for greater openness of Council Meetings, including recording meetings.

·         Voted to keep costs to resident’s low.

·         Voted to put council contracts to open tender, giving local businesses the chance to apply (All Liberal Democrats voted against this).

·         Helped residents with road and pavement issues.

You have been let down year after year by Yellow-Blue punch and judy show between the Lib Dems and Tories. I will be different. I will deliver. But to do that I need your support, that starts by you lending me your vote on May 4th!

If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch with me on facebook: @JoshConstableLAB or via email josh@eastleighlabour.co.uk

If you want real change. Vote for me. Think Local. Vote Labour and Co-operative.

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