2021 Eastleigh Borough Council election results

Eastleigh Borough Council election results

On average - voter turnout was 39.2% of registered voters. Highest turnout was Hiltingbury at 50%
Lowest turnout was Eastleigh South at 29.4%

(Majority (difference between 1st and 2nd) in brackets)

Bishopstoke - IND HOLD (maj 759)
Botley - LD HOLD (maj 116)
Bursledon and Hound North - LD HOLD (maj 719)
Chandlers Ford - LD HOLD (maj 293)
Eastleigh Central - LD HOLD (maj 208)
Eastleigh North - LD HOLD (maj 189)
Eastleigh South - LD HOLD (maj 265)
Fair Oak and Horton Heath - CON GAIN from LD (maj 663)
Hamble and Netley - LD HOLD (maj 741)
Hedge End North - LD HOLD (maj 360
Hedge End South - LD HOLD (maj 367)
Hiltingbury - LD GAIN from CON (maj 109)

Therefore - your Eastleigh Borough Council has the following number of seats per party (change in brackets)

Liberal Democrats - 32 (lost 2 since 2019)
Independent 5 (Gained 2 since 2019 due to Cllr choices to be Independent rather than LD - see Airport debate)
Conservatives 2



Count is done. Unsure if HOLD or GAIN for @StevenBroomfield (as both him and Cllr Couldrey had a seat each in FO&HH in 2018)

So did Mr Broomfield retain his seat, or did he take Mr Couldrey’s. I don’t know

Edit - Steven lost his seat in 2019, and so gained Cllr Couldrey’s seat

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Too many corrections (I shouldn’t be so hasty)

I think its great as it gives a nice at a glance picture, and its nice people can call out the errors to help fix/crowdsource. There are lots of minor details (like Tina calling out more independents).